evam buddheh param buddhva
samstabhyatmanam atmana
jahi satrum maha-baho
kama-rupam durasadam
"Realising lust is difficult to conquer, oh! the Mighty armed Arjuna, this lust stronger than buddhi is enemy to be conquered by Karma yoga."
Mahabaho = long armed Arjuna, satrum jahi = vanquish the enemy, durasadam = difficult to win, kama rupam = [enemy] lust or desire. Evam = thus this kamam, buddeh param = stronger than intellect, buddhva = realising, samstabhya = engaging the organs, mind and buddhi in karma yoga, atmana = by resolute intellet, atmanam = mind and other organs. So He says that the difficult to conquer enemy Kamam is to be vanquished. In the 36th sloka Arjuna raised a query as to why he is being forcibly dragged into worldly desires and who is doing that. Sri Krishna explained that Kamam was responsible for all the impediments one faces in pursuing atman sakshatkaram. Pictorially we can depict atman as atomic in size but radiating with intense gyana and is inside a body. The body and prakruti are made up of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and space. The three gunas - satvam, raja and tamo- will always be associated with this prakruti and body. In the same body atman resides. The gyana is radiated through the mind and organs. This gyana of atman is called Dharma bhootha gyana. This is also called buddhi or resoluteness. So when the gyana or the resolute passes thruogh the mind or organs which are always associated with the three gunas, the rajo and tamo gunas water the resolute or buddhi and convert it into kamam. Also from immemorable times, the atman in the body is used to habits like eating, seeing, etc., and so traces continue to linger in the atman in its millions of births.This becomes the seed that get germinated and the rajo/tamo qualities water this and kamam grows into a plant. Kamam thus enslavens the buddhi, mnd and organs. The real gyana of atman never sees the day. So the atman is made to think that the body is atman and all are its property - ahankaram and mamakaram. This complex plant can be tackled portfolio wise. First we have to tackle the rajo quality so that the water for the kamam germination is stopped. To stop rajo guna one has to control the food one takes. We should take food that develops satva guna and avoid food enriching rajo guna. This will reduce rajo guna and stop likes and dislikes. Next we have to eliminate the supporters for kamam. These are organs, mind and buddhi. We have to engage them in other activities. We have seen gossip mongers spoiling society. They thrive on unemployed youth. If we give employment to these vulnerable youth, then they will not surround the gossip mongers and they, in turn, will lose supporters and be eliminated. Society will be saved. Similarly we have to engage organs, mind and buddhi in karma yoga. This is what Sri Krishna tells when He uses the word samstabhya. To cap all, if we pray Him, He will ensure all our papa are destroyed. Since we are reducing the strength of kamam by reducing the rajo guna and eliminating its supporters, more papa will not be committed. This will ensure avoiding rebirths. Thus a three pronged attack is the best way to save us. So good food to reduce rajo guna, Karma yoga to engage organs, mind and buddhi and surrender to Him, will keep us away from kamam. We need not struggle to understand rajo guna or satva guna, but follow this simple practice of good food, engaging in the service of God by pooja and social activities. With this Chapter 3 cocludes and we will see what is the greatness of this Chapter. Doubts can be sent by email to the lecturer.
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