anapeksah sucir daksha
udasino gata-vyathah
yo mad-bhaktah sa me priyah

"My devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and not striving for some result, is very dear to Me."

We would have noticed a feature in these slokas; that in each sloka the Lord says 'sa me priyah' - 'he is dear to Me [Sri Krishna]'. That should induce us to do what the Lord desires. Anapeksa = [excepting atman] desires or needs nothing, suci = pure [in food]. To have the atman pure, our body, and so our food habits, should be pure. We can not take every type of food and expect the body and atman to be pure. A Karma yogi will have strict control over the food he takes. Daksa = skilled [in following shastras], udasina = indifferent [to all not recommended by shastras], gata = tolerate, vyata = sufferings [ in following shastras permitted activities]. For example, shastras say that on Ekadasi day to remain fasting. One should tolerate that suffering by starving on Ekadasi. There are many having untold miseries. The Lord also does not ask people to suffer very much; just a fasting once in a fortnight, etc. The Lord expects our sincerity and earnestness to follow His advice. The Lord only grants us the skill and capacity to follow shastras, as well as to tolerate any sufferings, thereon. Sarvarambha = starting of all, parityagi = discarded. Whatever is not mentioned or barred by shastras, he never even begins to follow. We need not start what is not recommended by shastras. We can list out our daily activities and see which are acceptable or recommended by shastras. We should examine every action of ours, as to whether they ar as per Vedas or are they doing good to atman. If we get a positive 'yes' as the answer, we could follow tham. We should ensure at least some, nay, at least one, to be in agreement with shastras. In Thiruvaimozhi, while praising the Lord of Thirumaliruncholai, Nammalwar says that there was no use in saying one did so many activities; but were any of them useful? many of our mannerisms are like that. Even while waiting at a place, it would be useful to reflect the Divine images of the Lord or chant His Divine names; instead of chit-chatting with others. Such a devotee is dear to the Lord. The list of qualities here mentioned are:

  1. Control of food taken.
  2. No desire in matters other than atman.
  3. Capacity to follow activities recommended by shastras.
  4. Disinterest in activities not mentioned by shastras.
  5. Endure any sufferings arising out of following shastras.
  6. Never begin any action not recommended by shastras.
Person with such qulities is liked by the Lord. Swami Ramanuja in his life followed these and we will examine them in the ensuing lectures.